Does ‘Your Security Code is Changed’ in WhatsApp means Blocked

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By Ankit Kumar

Are you wondering what ‘Your Security Code is Changed’ mean in WhatsApp?

Are you getting a notification of security code being changed?

Here, this article answers all your questions.

Does changed security code in WhatsApp means Blocked

The answer is no, a changed security code in WhatsApp does not indicate that someone has been blocked. The security code is unique to each user and changes only under specific circumstances. The security code changes when a contact reinstalls WhatsApp, changes phones, or adds or removes a paired device. These actions result in a new security code being generated, which must be verified before accessing the app.

It is important to note that the security code is not related to the status of a user’s account, such as whether they have been blocked or not. The security code is simply a verification tool used to confirm the authenticity of the app and its contacts.

In the case of being blocked, the person who blocked you will not appear in your contacts list and you will not be able to send them messages or view their profile information. Blocking someone does not change their security code, and their security code will remain the same even if they are blocked by multiple users.

Why am I getting security change notification from a contact who has blocked me on WhatsApp?

A security code change notification is sent to all of a user’s contacts when they take specific actions on their WhatsApp account, such as reinstalling the app, changing phones, or adding or removing a paired device. These actions result in a new security code being generated, which must be verified before accessing the app.

When a contact reinstalls WhatsApp, changes phones, or adds or removes a paired device, their security code is automatically changed and a notification is sent to all their contacts, including those who have blocked them. This is because the security code change notification is not related to the blocking process in WhatsApp.

It is important to note that being blocked by a contact does not change their security code, and their security code will remain the same even if they are blocked by multiple users. The security code is a unique identifier used to verify the authenticity of the app and its contacts, and it is not related to the status of a user’s account.


In conclusion, a changed security code in WhatsApp does not mean that someone has been blocked. The security code is a unique six-digit number assigned to each user and is used to verify the authenticity of the app and its contacts.

The security code changes only when specific actions are taken, such as reinstalling WhatsApp, changing phones, or adding or removing a paired device. By understanding the role of the security code in WhatsApp, users can better navigate the security features of the app and communicate securely with their contacts.