Fix: Facebook Dating can’t Swipe Left

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By Ankit Kumar

Are you finding it hard to swipe left on Facebook Dating?

Is Facebook Dating not working for you?

If you are finding solutions for the same problems, this post will deliver answers to you.

Find all the possible reasons as well as the ways to fix the issue.

Why can’t I Swipe Left on Facebook Dating

Short Answer: You can’t swipe left on Facebook Dating, including technical issues, account problems, daily limit restrictions, and incomplete profile information. It’s important to identify the specific reason why you cannot swipe left and take appropriate action to resolve the issue.

Fix: Facebook Dating can’t Swipe Left

Now, let’s look at some of the reasons why some users cannot swipe left on Facebook Dating along with the ways to fix the issue.

1. Restart your Facebook app/ device

One of the most common reasons why some users cannot swipe left on Facebook Dating is due to a technical glitch. Facebook is a complex app that runs on a vast network of servers, and sometimes glitches can occur that prevent certain features from working properly.

If you are experiencing difficulty swiping left on Facebook Dating, it is possible that there is a technical issue that is preventing you from doing so. In this case, you should try restarting the app or your device to see if that resolves the issue.

2. Understand the UI

Another common reason why some users cannot swipe left on Facebook Dating is due to user error. Facebook Dating is designed to be user-friendly, but it is still possible to make mistakes when using the app. For example, some users may accidentally swipe right on a potential match when they intended to swipe left.

In other cases, users may not realize that they need to tap the X button to swipe left on a match. If you are having trouble swiping left on Facebook Dating, it is possible that you are making a user error, so you should double-check your actions to make sure you are using the app correctly.

3. Check Privacy Settings

Facebook is committed to user privacy, and it has implemented a range of privacy settings to help users control their personal information. However, some of these privacy settings can affect how Facebook Dating works. For example, if you have restricted your profile from being seen by people who are not your friends, you may not be able to use Facebook Dating at all.

Similarly, if you have limited the amount of personal information that Facebook can access, this may impact the accuracy of the matches that Facebook generates for you. If you are having trouble swiping left on Facebook Dating, it is possible that your privacy settings are preventing you from using the feature correctly.

4. Check Age Restrictions

Facebook Dating is only available to users who are 18 years or older, and it is not available in all countries. If you are under 18 or if you live in a country where Facebook Dating is not available, you will not be able to use the feature at all. If you are having trouble swiping left on Facebook Dating, it is possible that you are not eligible to use the feature due to age restrictions or geographic limitations.

5. Check if account is suspended

If your Facebook account has been temporarily or permanently suspended due to a violation of Facebook’s community standards, you may not be able to use Facebook Dating or any other Facebook feature until your account is reinstated.

Other account issues that may affect Facebook Dating include incomplete or inaccurate profile information, incorrect settings or preferences, or problems with the Facebook app or website. In some cases, account issues may be resolved by simply updating your profile information or adjusting your settings.

6. Swipe left in limit

Facebook has implemented certain limits on the number of potential matches that a user can see in a day to prevent spamming or overwhelming the user with too many options. If you have reached your daily limit, you may not be able to swipe left on any more potential matches until the limit resets.

The daily limit varies depending on the user’s location and other factors. If you have already exhausted the daily limit, you will not be able to swipe left on any more matches until the next day. In this case, you will need to wait for the daily limit to reset before you can continue using Facebook Dating.

To avoid reaching the daily limit, you can try to be more selective when swiping left or right on potential matches. You can also consider adjusting your preferences or location to see different matches. However, it’s important to note that Facebook Dating is designed to provide a safe and enjoyable dating experience, and the daily limits are in place to ensure that the app is used in a responsible and appropriate way.


There are several reasons why users may experience difficulties swiping left on Facebook Dating. These can include technical issues, account problems, daily limit restrictions, and incomplete profile information. To fix these issues, users can take appropriate actions such as updating their profile information, adjusting their preferences, waiting for daily limits to reset, or contacting Facebook support for assistance.